A bite of information | Blog

Eat Well

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Blog

January is often a time of year that we take a good look at the foods we are consuming but sometimes we need advice on healthy eating. For example, what is the make-up of a balanced diet and how can we do this on a budget?

One source is Canada’s Food Guide, dietary guidance that the Government of Canada is currently revising to meet our country’s diverse health and nutritional needs. This is a resource that the Calgary Food Bank uses to evaluate our Emergency Hamper content in conjunction with other experts and nutritionists. Knowing a new guide is in the works is great news for our assessment process and for improving our nutritional standards. A healthy approach to food fuels the body, the mind and the spirit; giving clients the strength to tackle their crisis and move forward to success.

For more information on Canada’s Food Guide revision process visit www.healthycanadians.gc.ca to see how you can be involved in public consultations.

Healthy Eating Strategy: https://healthycanadians.gc.ca/healthy-canada-vision-canada-en-sante/healthy-eating-strategy-strategie-pour-saine-alimentation-eng.php

Fast and easy Meal ideas: https://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/using-utiliser/suggestions-eng.php

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