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What Would You Choose?

by | Sep 10, 2019 | Blog

4 million Canadians are food insecure and struggle to put enough food on the table. Every day they face tough decisions about how to make ends meet. In Calgary, almost 6,000 hampers in the month of July eased some stress for families and individuals. But these numbers only representing those requiring emergency food support. How many more are experiencing food insecurity due to access and financial constraints?

September is Hunger Action Month, an annual nation-wide campaign aiming at education and advocacy. Part of a way to achieve this goal has led to the creation of Living with Hunger: Impossible Choices – an online interactive tool created by Food Banks Canada that illustrates how it is possible that a person in Canada can slide into hunger and poverty.

We invite you to follow one of three stories and decide what you would do in each person’s situation. Meet Marayam who is married with four children, Sue who has just left an abusive relationship, and Doug who is divorced and living in small East Coast town. After you have walked in someone else’s shoes, share your experience on social media. Let your followers know it’s #HungerActionMonth!


What choices would you make?

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