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Give What You Can

by | Oct 2, 2019 | Blog

There has been a lot of chatter about donating money instead of food and we would like to set the record straight: give what you can (pun intended).

It is true that a financial donation can be stretched further than the dollar’s face value. At the Calgary Food Bank, we can leverage every $1 into $5 worth of food. This is because of a combination of efficiencies that we have in purchasing power, volunteer resources and operations.

Donations of funds are critical to ensuring we can purchase nutritional hamper items such as eggs, milk, fresh vegetables and meat. But just as important are the incredible donations of food. This act of giving a physical food item is hugely impactful. Every can of tuna, box of pasta or jar of peanut butter goes directly into a hamper, making an immediate difference in someone’s life. Isn’t that what we want our giving to do?

For many, that one can they dropped in the bin is someone’s first experience donating and that can grow exponentially when they know that their gift is making an impact. Consider the act of giving from school children, excitedly filling boxes with food to help a family in need. This small act inspiring others and growing into a lifelong passion for giving and helping.

Calgarians are generous with their gifts of time, talent and resources. For 35 years they have been helping fellow Calgarians with their donations of food and funds through the Calgary Food Bank. So if you are ever asked what is better to donate, you can confidently say “give what you can.”

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