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Re-Visiting Our Roots

Sep 6, 2022

How this annual Food Drive powered by thousands of volunteers makes us reflect on our beginnings… 

Once again, the long hot days of summer begin to slowly disappear into shorter, cooler days, and we look forward to the annual City-Wide Food Drive coordinated by the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints  

community. The 17th annual food drive will take place Saturday, September 17th.  Thousands of volunteers hit the streets of Calgary to deliver compostable bags that people can fill with non-perishable food items.  Last year, we took a close look at how faith helps to feed those in need. Partly because we’re a bit sentimental at this time of year, and because it’s important to be reminded of our roots, we invite you to look back with us on last year’s blog: https://www.calgaryfoodbank.com/2021/aglanceback/

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